Out of the Shadow: Artist and Writer

The artwork above was included in Radical Revolution, an art show hosted by Siren Nation PDX in downtown Portland, Oregon in 2019. It was inspired by the song “Tangled Up in Blue” by Bob Dylan. Artwork sold and in a private collection. For a long time, I...

Trees I’ve Known and Loved

Trees I’ve Known and Loved (originally posted as “Tree Hugs” on April 23, 2018 on Of Love and Light website… more than a year an a half before beginning my “Mother Tree Holds the Stories” fine art series) You wanna make this girl...

Quotes to Celebrate the Creative Process

Quotes to Celebrate the Creative Process (adapted from original blog post titled “Quotes to Celebrate Love, Light, and the Creative Process on April 19. 2018 on Of Love and Light website) I always loved reading as a child. Sadly, once I got to high school, I...

Naked Soul: Bare Creativity

Naked Soul: Bare Creativity (originally published April 14, 2018 on Of Love and Light website)   What does it mean to bare *everything* in the name of creativity? What can be discovered by tapping so deeply into the core of your being that there are no words, nor...