Psst... BRAND NEW! A curated selection of archival tree ring art prints through Papernoten!
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Blog Posts

Sitting with Discomfort when the Art isn’t “Me”

Sitting with Discomfort when the Art isn’t “Me”

Sitting (or Rather Not Sitting) with Discomfort when the Art isn't "Me" I recently created some artwork that has been released into the public sphere that I'm thinking about taking down...Some of the circles in the WCA Massachusetts "The Mother Cycle" 6000 Circle...

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The Artist Pie Chart

The Artist Pie Chart

The Artist Pie Chart With tax day fast approaching, I thought I'd share a peek with you at last year's income pie chart. I'm not sharing bottom-line nitty-gritty dollar-sign numbers, but I did want to reveal the array of income streams that I engaged in last year, the...

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Feast! thru April 21 at ArtsWorcester

Feast! thru April 21 at ArtsWorcester

Feast! thru April 21 at ArtsWorcester Every year, ArtsWorcester teams up with the Fitchburg Art Museum to pick a theme and invite regional artists to respond to FAM collection works of art.  Last year's climate theme of "Impact" was my first foray into showing at...

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ArtsWorcester Material Needs Grant Recipient

ArtsWorcester Material Needs Grant Recipient

I'm stoked to have received a Material Needs Grant via ArtsWorcester! On March 4, the news went out via ArtsWorcester, a fabulous gallery space and arts organization located in Worcester, MA, that I was one of seven artists awarded a Material Needs Grant for the...

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Crafting an Email Signature

Crafting an Email Signature

I have a hard time knowing how what to put at the bottom of an email. I know that it is wise for anyone who is a creator to include links to all the things at the bottom of their email signature, particularly one whose income depends on sales and fostering patrons...

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Thinking About Blogging Again

Shhhhh... I'm not really announcing anything here... But. I'm thinking about blogging again. For a #100DayProject. Waaaay back in the earlier days of the internet, when it was mostly text and extremely slow loading images, I had a bit of a blog hosted on blogspot. I...

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Guest on the Art Friend Show, Hosted by Annamieka Hopps

Guest on the Art Friend Show, Hosted by Annamieka Hopps

Watch: Guest Interview on the Art Friend Show with Host Annamieka Hopps I had so much fun being a guest on the Art Friend Show with host, artist, mentor, and community builder Annamieka Hopps. Annamieka is hosting live Instagram interviews and solocasts for 100 Days,...

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Listen: Creative Unearthing Podcast, Episode 34

Listen: Creative Unearthing Podcast, Episode 34

Listen: "Holding Space" on the Creative Unearthing podcost with Host Emma Freeman  A couple months ago, I had the true pleasure of being a guest on the Creative Unearthing podcast with host, artist, writer, and my dear friend Emma Freeman. We talked about holding...

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A Note on the Blog Archive and Content

A Note on the Blog Archive and Content A note on the blog archive and content: Many of the blog posts you see below were written in 2018, at a time when I was just beginning to shift into dedicated time for "my own" creative impulses. After many years as a shadow...

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Out of the Shadow: Artist and Writer

Out of the Shadow: Artist and Writer

The artwork above was included in Radical Revolution, an art show hosted by Siren Nation PDX in downtown Portland, Oregon in 2019. It was inspired by the song "Tangled Up in Blue" by Bob Dylan. Artwork sold and in a private collection. For a long time, I was a shadow...

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Trees I’ve Known and Loved

Trees I’ve Known and Loved

Trees I've Known and Loved (originally posted as "Tree Hugs" on April 23, 2018 on Of Love and Light website... more than a year an a half before beginning my "Mother Tree Holds the Stories" fine art series) You wanna make this girl happy? Skip the jewelry, the fancy...

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Quotes to Celebrate the Creative Process

Quotes to Celebrate the Creative Process

Quotes to Celebrate the Creative Process (adapted from original blog post titled "Quotes to Celebrate Love, Light, and the Creative Process on April 19. 2018 on Of Love and Light website) I always loved reading as a child. Sadly, once I got to high school, I hated 90%...

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Naked Soul: Bare Creativity

Naked Soul: Bare Creativity

Naked Soul: Bare Creativity (originally published April 14, 2018 on Of Love and Light website)   What does it mean to bare *everything* in the name of creativity? What can be discovered by tapping so deeply into the core of your being that there are no words, nor...

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I Am… Ready. Valued. Here.

I Am… Ready. Valued. Here.

I Am... Ready. Valued. Here. (originally posted under the title "I Am... {Own Your Story} on April 9, 2018 on Of Love and Light website)   Who are you? In my opinion, that right there ^ is one of the toughest questions out there. Who am I? I remember my first...

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(originally posted April 2018 on Of Love and Light website) If you’re anything like me, your mind is constantly running with background chatter. There is the chatter  you’re aware of—the thoughts and daydreams and self-criticisms and if-onlys and what-ifs and to-dos...

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Creativity Defined

Creativity Defined

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column width="1/6"][/vc_column][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text] Creativity...

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Beach Days: Poetry for the Soul

Beach Days: Poetry for the Soul

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css=".vc_custom_1643786267521{background-color: #ffffff !important;}"...

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